Get your Amateur Radio License in Lebanon
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- Published on Sunday, 10 June 2018 15:48
- Written by admin
Lebanon Ministry of Telecommunications confirmed Saturday July 7, 2018 as the next date for the upcoming Amateur Radio Exams in Lebanon. Join millions of radio enthusiasts in the World. Amateur Radio operators have been at the forefront of innovation and public service for over a century. Ham Radio is fun and the ham radio community is filled with great people who share, mentor and Teach. Lifelong relationships begin on the air.
Download the RAL Amateur Radio Exam Preparation Guide and get ready for the exam. More resources are found here.
Lebanese applicants: (Click to Donwload Application)
- Complete Amateur Radio exam application
- Certified copy of Lebanese national ID
- 2 certified passport pictures
- Must be 18 years or older
Foreign Residents applicants: (Click to Donwload Application)
- Complete Amateur Radio exam application
- Document from Embassy confirming applicant’s nationality, and certified from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Confirmation of residency in Lebanon from the Ministry of Interior – General Security Forces.
- 2 certified passport pictures
All applications are due at the latest, 1 week prior to the examination session date.
Apply at the Ministry of Telecommunicatilons, 1st Floor, Riad El Solh Street, Beirut. Tel: 01-979 137
For more informaiton contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Tel: 70-970922
Lebanon Ministry of Telecom approves Amateur Radio operation on 6m
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- Published on Thursday, 19 April 2018 12:25
- Written by admin
The Lebanese Ministry of Telecom has approved 6m Amateur Radio operations in Lebanon between 50.000 MHz and 51.975 MHz. This news came on April 18 as the World was celebrating World Amateur Radio Day.
This is a true recognition from the Ministry of the Amateur Radio values. Radio Amateurs in Lebanon are extremeley excited and thankful to the Ministry of Telecom for granting them the priviledge to operate on this 6m.
The 6-meter band is a portion of the very high frequency (VHF) radio spectrum allocated to amateur radio use. Although located in the lower portion of the VHF band, it nonetheless occasionally displays propagation mechanisms characteristic of the high frequency (HF) bands. This normally occurs close to sunspot maximum, when solar activity increases ionization levels in the upper atmosphere. During the last sunspot peak of 2005, worldwide 6-meter propagation occurred making 6-meter communications as good as or in some instances and locations, better than HF frequencies. The prevalence of HF characteristics on this VHF band has inspired amateur operators to dub it the "magic band".
In the northern hemisphere, activity peaks from May through early August, when regular sporadic E propagation enables long-distance contacts spanning up to 2,500 kilometres (1,600 mi) for single-hop propagation. Multiple-hop sporadic E propagation allows intercontinental communications at distances of up to 10,000 kilometres (6,200 mi). In the southern hemisphere, sporadic E propagation is most common from November through early February.
Be on the look for OD5 operatios on the DXMAPS
More information on the 6m Band Allocations are available on the IARU R1 Page
A message of Peace from Lebanon through Amateur Radio
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- Published on Saturday, 20 January 2018 19:04
- Written by Webmaster

RAL General Assembly
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- Published on Wednesday, 15 November 2017 22:07
- Written by Webmaster
The upcoming Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL) General Assembly will take place on Saturday 18th of November 2017 at 16:00 at the Monroe Hotel, Beirut.
For any inquiries, contact OD5RI - Riri, RAL Secretary .
Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL) celebrates 65 years of service
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- Published on Friday, 08 September 2017 13:20
- Written by Webmaster
November 21, 2017 marks the 65th anniversary of Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL) . RAL continues to be committed to the success through dedicated 65 years of service with exceptional achievements locally and internationally on different fronts.
A time to reflect on the past and build on the achievements as the society moves forward.
Congratulations and appreciation to everyone who contributed in the success of RAL.
Lebanon celebrates World Amateur Radio Day
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- Published on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 13:37
- Written by Webmaster
The Amateur Radio community in Lebanon and Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL) are celebrating today the World Amateur Radio Day with on the air activities telling the World about the science we can help teach, the community service we can provide and the fun we can have.
World Amateur Radio Day is the day when we show Amateur Radio capabilities to the public and enjoy global friendship with other Amateurs worldwide.
Every April 18, radio amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves in celebration of World Amateur Radio Day. It was on that day in 1925 that the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) was formed in Paris.
Amateur Radio experimenters were the first to discover that the short wave spectrum — far from being a wasteland — could support worldwide propagation. In the rush to use these shorter wavelengths, Amateur Radio was “in grave danger of being pushed aside,” the IARU’s history has noted. Amateur Radio pioneers met in Paris in 1925 and created the IARU to support Amateur Radio worldwide.
Just two years later, at the International Radiotelegraph Conference, Amateur Radio gained the allocations still recognized today — 160, 80, 40, 20, and 10 meters. Since its founding, the IARU has worked tirelessly to defend and expand the frequency allocations for Amateur Radio. Thanks to the support of enlightened administrations in every part of the globe, radio amateurs are now able to experiment and communicate in frequency bands strategically located throughout the radio spectrum. From the 25 countries that formed the IARU in 1925, the IARU has grown to include 160 member-societies in three regions. IARU Region 1 includes Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Northern Asia. Region 2 covers the Americas, and Region 3 is comprised of Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific island nations, and most of Asia. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has recognized the IARU as representing the interests of Amateur Radio.
Today, Amateur Radio is more popular than ever, with over 3,000,000 licensed operators! Amateur Radio, the most amazing Hobby in the World.
Akram Ladki, OD5BO - Silent Key
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- Published on Friday, 10 March 2017 11:16
- Written by Webmaster
Lebanon and the World have lost today one of its finest Amateur Radio Pioneers.
It is with grief and deep sorrow, that we announce the loss of our dear friend OD5BO - Akram Ladki who passed away peacefully this morning at the age of 87. Licensed since 1955, Akram is a member of RAL, and served on its board. Akram loved RAL and had a huge passion for Homebrew and Tubes.
Akram was a genuine ham. He would build things that none of us in the club could dare to build in the past years. He was always curious and interested in improving his Amateur Radio station. He would stay awake for long winter nights contacting the world with simple, some times home brew equipments. He had a secret about his homebrew microphone that helped him cut through the pileups with a superb audio quality. His collection of vintage equipment and tubes are unmatched in Lebanon.
An old friend of Akram, Varouj - N6DBH/OD5CS remembers the old days with Akram where they together built radio related items. They had regular QSOs on 20m back in the 60s. "I already miss Akram's sincere laughter that still sounds in my ears. I miss the good old days with simple friendships. God bless you all. Kiss the Lebanese ground on my behalf". Variouj in grief commented from California
On behalf of the Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL) and the Hams around the world, we extend the deepest and heartfelt condolences and sympathy to his XYL Maha, family, friends and to all those who admired him as they mourn his loss. Akram left us physically, but he will always be in hearts and minds. He will be greatly missed. May his Soul rest in Peace.
IARU WRC-19 preparation update
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- Published on Thursday, 16 February 2017 18:46
- Written by Webmaster
A meeting took place beginning January in CEPT, which included agenda items considering matters of interest to the Amateur Radio Services at WRC19.
At committee PTD in Helsinki, IARU experts were involved in discussions on WRC Agenda Item 1.1, which proposes an allocation in Region 1 in the 50-54 MHz band, to create a global band at these frequencies. For CEPT, the coordinator for this Agenda item is Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T.
The discussions made progress on matters concerning sharing between the amateur service and services in this frequency band (broadcasting, wind-profilers and mobile users), but there remains much still to do and IARU will continue to work on these studies with administrations and others to establish the optimum future sharing scenarios.
HB9JOE and HB9FPM receive RAL Awards
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- Published on Tuesday, 07 February 2017 19:02
- Written by Webmaster
Radio Amateurs of Lebaon (RAL) presented today HB9JOE - Andy with it highest recognition award for his exceptional contribution to Amateur Radio and long years of support to Amateur Radio in Lebanon and RAL.
Andy was first licensed in 1991 and served as the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 treasurer for 12 years. He is currently the president of the Radio Amateur Club Swissair (HB9VC) and was the Vice President and Treasurer of Union Schweizerischer Kurzwellen-Amateure (USKA), Treasurer of the Helvetia Telegraphy Club (HTC) and Treasurer of the Swiss DX Foundation (SDXF).
Andy Holds OK8JOE callsign as well and has been active on Lebanese and Czech summits. He is passionate about SOTA, CW, DXing, Contests, IOTA, Castles, JOTA and is a proud member of USKA, HTC (# 80), SDXF, HB9W, HB9VC, IARC (4U1ITU), RAL, ARRL, HB9RF, HB9BF, CRK, HB9SOTA. Andy received the DXCC - 8 Bands award and the ARRL Diamond DXCC Challenge.
The award was presented on behalf of Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL) by its president OD5TE - Hani in the presence of RAL executive committee and members. A very well deserved recognition for an amazing Ham and a friend to RAL.
HB9FPM - Eva was also presented with the RAL president's golden seal in recognition of her service to Amateur Radio. Eva is currently the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 treasurer and holds OK3QE call and is a proud member of USKA, CRC, HB9SOTA, HTC, SDXF, and RAL.
Andy and Eva just concluded their SOTA summit activations in Lebanon. Congratulations to both for this recognition.
Lebanon Summit on the Air (SOTA) activation
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- Published on Saturday, 04 February 2017 12:19
- Written by Webmaster
Lebanon and the Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL) will be hosting HB9JOE - Andy and HB9FPM - Eva for the period between February 4-6, 2017.
Andy and Eva along with OD5KU - Elie, OD5RI - Riri, OD5TE - Hani, OD5TX - Michel and SV2AYT - Nicos will be activating OD/BE-004 Baabdat and OD/BE-005 Jabal Chaoui summits. Under OD5RAL they will be on the air using an Elecraft KX3, 12W output with Spiderbeam end fed antenna for 40-20-15 and 10m using solar power.
This activy is part of the year long activities in celberation of RAL 65th anniversary.
Summits On the Air (SOTA) encourages Amateur Radio portable operation in mountainous areas.
A minute of Silence Honoring our Silent Keys
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- Published on Sunday, 11 December 2016 16:50
- Written by Webmaster
At its General Assmebly, Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL) members stood up a minute of silence honoring the Lebanese Amateur Radio operators that passed away this year. Lebanon and the world have lost this year some of its finest Hams that have gone silent after years of devotion to Amateur Radio.
It is with grief and deep sorrow that the assembly remembered the loss of our dearest friends that are greatly missed: OD5MN – Nabil Moumtaz, OD5MU – Dr. Claude Lotfi, OD5PL – Francois Zouein (Ex. RAL President), and OD5RF – Dr. Saadallah Finge.
On behalf of the Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL) and the Hams around the world, we extend the deepest and heartfelt condolences and sympathy to their families, friends and to all those who admired them as they mourn their loss.
May their Soul rest in Peace.